Yes, this road is muddy and rocky. But if you stay on its path, it leads you to the Sea of Galilee!
About Us
Greetings from the trenches of small church ministry!
Small churches are like family and we all need to be part of a family in this world. We believe that every small church has a unique mission and part of its journey is discovering who God is calling them to be.
We look for ways that:
connect a small church with other organizations in its community
work from what a church already does well
won't burn out everyone
help people see and use the gifts God has given them
We are passionate about sharing great ideas that are simple to do - even if you have just 20 members all over the age of 70! Having seasoned members can be an advantage!
Over the years, we've discovered some of the secrets to successful small church ministry. We know there have to be more! And we'd love if you'd e-mail us with the small church ideas you've discovered and we'll post them for all to see!
Martha Bonsal Day, MDiv, and Kirk Woodward, MBA, are Ruling Elders in the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) who preach, teach and pastor to small churches.